Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Revising My GAME plan

I feel like I have been quite productive in meeting my goals: (A) to create assessments and learning opportunities with the SmartBoard and (B) to practice digital citizenship with my students. After I located – with suggestions from my Walden colleagues – online citation tools for my students, I needed to be more diligent in my expectations of myself and my students. As for the SmartBoard goal, I have acquired knowledge and sought information from a teaching colleague. While I will continue to focus on SmartBoard learning experiences, I want to create additional assessment opportunities using technology, specifically using, a learning site my school district has a subscription for. Blogs, discussions, and learning resources are all accessible from this site. Like the last goal, I am going to use my colleagues to create a node of support. However, for this, I don’t have another peer who is an expert in using; instead, I am going to suggest a few other teachers who are excited to utilize the tools to collaborate with and create these opportunities and assessments. By combing our experiences, we will be able to be one another’s support in this discovery.

I would like to continue blogging about my GAME plan. I have found that by setting a time to check in with my progress, I am must more apt to work towards its achievement.

Brad Feick
HS English
Walden University


Jane said...

Congratulations, Brad, on your progress. It sounds like you are making great progress in your GAME plan. I am coming along slowly, but surely...a little slower, but still forward. I did think about you today, as I remembered that you had listed digital citizenship as one of your goals. I went into our school library to check on using it Monday to show a movie; another teacher and I were going to treat our students who had completed all their work to one. The librarian began talking about making sure that the movie was tied into the curriculum because of copyright laws, and honestly, I had never thought of that before. Anyway, I got online and began researching the law. I realized how our school needed a blanket license to allow us to show any movie at any time. I visited with my principal and he wants me to find out what we need to do and the cost. Anyway, to make a long story short, I would not have given it a lot of thought had I not recalled your goal of increasing your digital citizenship, along with your students. So, even if I didn't make a lot of progress on my own goals, I did make a little on one of yours! Thanks for the timely reminder of something I should have known.


Me... said...


Love the idea of working together with your colleagues. I know from personal experience that two or three heads together really can make great projects for your students!

Checking your game plan periodically is smart. I know I myself have been much focused on the task because we have to do these blogs. Perhaps this is something to consider in the future, even when we are not in class.
